Saturday 20 April 2013

We want to know...

Hey guys soz! but this isn't a beauty or fashion post...

But its fine because we will be uploading one of them at the same time as this, but this post is literately just because we want to find out what you think of the new design on E and E.

Recently we have just wanted to give the blog a new look, for example, changing up the colours, or changing fonts, just personalizing it to look a bit more, well, us!

So we have found a way to find out what you guys think, every so often we will put up a kind of poll, where you guys can vote for what you think would be best for E and E to change about itself, this is just so we know what people want us to do with this blog.

So to narrow it down. We want to know what you think of E and E. We will be putting up polls so you can vote on things, these will be open to anybody.  Also the polls will be at the top of the page next to the most recent post

Thanks guys, and sorry we don't upload blogs that often, you might even be able to vote on how often you'd like us to upload :D
See ya in the next post

Bye guys xxxxxxxx

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