Sunday 31 March 2013

Our Favorite things about .... Easter

Okay so who loves Easter... WE DO!! Here are a list of the top things on Easter

1) Obviously... CHOCOLATE!! Obviously the Easter story is great to but does that taste good?? Cuz chocolate does!

 - Thorntons always has great easter products so if you need them click me -

2)The fashion is our favorite in spring and round easter because its all so cute and girly

-These dress is perfect for going out when the weathers getting sunnier -

3)The whether gets warmer and sunnier - usually, unless you live in England then who are we kidding, it will snow in September

4)Being able to wear shorts without nearly getting frostbite

- These shorts from H&M are only £12.99 and have a cute girly pattern -

5)The nights get longer and you can visit friends for longer and stay up later ;)

6) Flowers there really pretty and automatically put you in a good mood

E and E - tell us what you love about easter!!

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