Monday 17 December 2012

What to write in a blank notebook

Hiya guys, 

We recently bought a new note book which has lined pages in it and we were wondering what to fill it with. So here are some suggestions we came up with.

1) Your bucket list 

You could fill your pages with sketches and notes of your bucket list. Which is like whatEVER you want to do before you die!

2) Drawings

You could fill your pages with sketches of people, animals, clothes!

3) Make a scrapbook

You could fill your pages with pictures of your past and what you want to do in the future/ things you want/like. Pictures of your friends and your pets :0)

4) Stories
You could fill your pages with stories that you want to write

5) Just notes

You could fill you pages with notes that you want to write/ just things you need to jot down. PRACTICAL!!! o_O 

Anyway that's what we would write in our notebooks what would you write?

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