Saturday 29 June 2013

Things to do when your bored!!!

Hiya Guys i am SUPER bored right now so I thought I would do a blog post about it, god that sounds boring.... DON'T JUDGE ME!! anyways... here we go

1) Read a book
2) Try not to think about penguins
3) Rearrange your room
4) Get together with your friends
6) Have a movie marathon
7) Go to the Cinema
8) Eat.
9) Go Biking or running
10) Draw random things
11) Write a book (or just a short story), you can enter competitions online and win things
12) Make cool cards and Birthday Presents
13) Star a blog like this one
14) Post videos on you tube
15) Record songs and make music videos with your friends
16) Watch all the old F.R.I.E.N.D.S. episodes
17) Walk dogs for your family members/neighbors you will be surprised how much they will pay
18) Wash cars/pets for your neighbors
19) Play with your pets
20) Start a water fight or a snowball fight

So there are 20 things to do when your bored, thanks for reading PEACE OUT!

Saturday 1 June 2013

Tips for School

Here are our favorite tricks and tips for school
1)Water is a girls best friend, without it your skin will get dry and you will be thirsty

2) Buy your pens in big packs, this just means if you lose one at any point you can just pop another into your bag when you get home without having to search high and low for them

3)Pack your bag the night before, who has time in the morning, as much as you might hate it. It's a much better idea than frantically searching for your geography book 5 minutes before you need to get your bus

4)Take food, no body is like OMG shes eating, people we know, are always like, no I don't eat lunch, Just eat it and get over yourself. Sorry :D

5) Do try, being popular now wont matter in real life when you can't get a job.. ha ha wow I sound old.

6) Listening can be easier, we're not saying we're always 110% focused but if you try to be focused more every day it could make things like homework easier

7) You can always bend the rules a little bit... if your school rules say no makeup but you really want to wear it just wear 1 coat of mascara, if you wear 17 billion coats it will be obvious and you will be in detention at lunch but that's always fun...

8) Don't be one of those people who judge, just give everyone a chance, if there horrible then fair enough, don't be friends with them

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